Ive been playing the Pro version of Theta Poker for at least six months so Ive spent enough time with the app for an informed opinion. Perhaps I misunderstand the rave reviews about how great the "AI" is. What I can tell you from having played thousands of hands is that the system consistently appears to "cheat". Its unbelievable how often one of the players will raise before the flop with something like 8/3 unsuited and then catch two 3s and an 8 on the flop. It happens ALL THE TIME. I play only the hard difficulty level and am consistently frustrated by these fictional players not just catching lucky breaks, but catching the absolute luckiest breaks. Its one thing to be playing against a loose player who catches a break on the river card...you run into them in everyday life. But the players in Theta Poker routinely make terrible calls because they seemingly have knowledge of the upcoming cards. Its an exercise in frustration to continue to try to hone my own skills when I cant possibly beat the rigged system. I cant recommend this app as anything more than a way to pass time.
schmitty623 about THETA Poker Pro-Texas Hold 'Em